Characteristics of ozone uptake in urban forest canopy based on sap flow measurements
作者:Xu JJ, Yan 时间:2023-04-16
In this study, the differences in the ozone (O3) uptake in Pinus bungeana, Platycladus orientalis, Koelreuteria paniculataGinkgo biloba were studied by the sap flow technique. In the growing season (May to October), the flow density reached its maximum value in May, which was 2.63 times that in October. The rankof the mean value of sap flow density in the growing season was Koelreuteria paniculata (0.00087 g·cm-2·s-1) > Pinus bungeana (0.00052 g·cm-2·s-1) > Ginkgo biloba(0.00047 g·cm-2·s-1) > Platycladus orientalis (0.00013 g·cm-2·s-1); ozone concentration ranged from 15 μg·m-3 to 123.67 μg·m-3 diurnally,the diurnal pattern of variation resembled a curve with a single peak. Furthermore, the ozone concentration was positively correlated with temperature (R=0.96). The variation in ozone canopy conductance (GO3) was greater than the variation in FO3 for the different tree species. The rankof GO3FO3 of the different tree species was Ginkgo biloba > Koelreuteria paniculata > Platycladus orientalis > Pinus bungeana; the average FO3 of the different tree species was 6.42±1.23 nmol·m-2·s-1,the mean value of GO3 was 9.10±2.14 mmol·m-2·s-1. GO3FO3 for Koelreuteria paniculataGinkgo biloba were higher than those for Pinus bungeanaPlatycladus orientalis; VPDTa were positively correlated with ozone concentration (R = 0.950.86, respectively). GO3 decreased as VPDTa increased,FO3 increased as VPDTa increased; there were differences among different tree species,the rankwas as follows: Koelreuteria paniculata > Ginkgo biloba > Platycladus orientalis > Pinus bungeana. The ozone uptake rate was greater in broad-leaved trees than in conifers, indicating that Koelreuteria paniculataGinkgo biloba were more sensitive to ozone pollution. Therefore, coniferous trees such as Pinus bungeanaPlatycladus orientalis should be preferentially employed for urban greening given that they are more ozone-resistant tree species.